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I have enabled call recording on my android, how do I find them

in Android by (140 points)

1 Answer

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They are in: /storage/emulated/0/zoiper/CallRecordings

by (140 points)

I have also enabled call recording on Zoiper for Android. Unfortunately, the folder /storage/emulated/0/zoiper/ does not exist. I cannot find any call recordings on my storage. Are there possibly any requirements for call recording to work properly?

NO is not there

the directories doesn't even exist or not created when android was installed!

I'm a GOLD user, I should have this working properly but it is not.

Please help !



it is the right location, however it is necessary to "ALLOW ZOIPER TO ACCESS STORAGE" Otherwise it does not work at all.

This was the reason for me, so if you encounter the same problem, have a look on "Permissions" for Zoiper !

Thanks !

That's it! Thank you very much, musicmedia :)

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