0 votes


I've setup the Zoiper plugin to call a number on a browser page on chrome (W10).

However when I click on the number nothing is happening. Do you know why ? 

<span style="display:inline"><img src="http://www.zoiper.com/images/ZoiperHead20x20.png" height="20" width="20" style="margin:0 2px;padding:0;width:20px;height:20px;" alt="Zoiper Click2Dial"><a href="zoiper://+96824765100">+968 24765100</a><img src="http://www.zoiper.com/images/Click2DialFlags/om.png" height="16" width="28" style="margin:0 2px;padding:0;width:28px;height:16px;" alt="om"></span>

in Web (Safari, Chrome, IE, Firefox) by (120 points)

You might be able to resolve your issue by following our guide here.

1 Answer

0 votes

Hi Fupfac,

Click2dial is only available in the BIZ version.

Please note that it needs to be installed as part of the package.

Best Regards,


by (3.9k points)

Due to regulations from Mozilla and Google related to how the plug-ins can and should be installed, we have now uploaded the Click2Dial in their respective add-in stores.


Google Chrome/ Opera/ Vivaldi

For IE8.0+ the add-in comes with the Zoiper package.

Thanks Tsetso!

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