Recent questions without an upvoted answer

+1 vote
0 answers
asked Nov 14, 2020 in Linux by HamburgerJungeJr (130 points)
0 votes
0 answers
asked Nov 14, 2020 in Mac by ZoiperUser1 (120 points)
0 votes
0 answers
0 votes
0 answers
asked Nov 14, 2020 in Windows by mateuslima (120 points)
0 votes
0 answers
asked Nov 14, 2020 in Android by rabbit80 (120 points)
0 votes
1 answer
asked Nov 14, 2020 in Android by Friedrich (120 points)
0 votes
0 answers
0 votes
0 answers
asked Nov 14, 2020 in General by MET (160 points)
0 votes
0 answers
0 votes
1 answer
0 votes
0 answers
0 votes
0 answers
asked Aug 31, 2020 in Windows by Le085 (160 points)
0 votes
0 answers
asked Aug 31, 2020 in Windows by ahmethann (120 points)
0 votes
1 answer
0 votes
1 answer
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