Every second or third incoming call causes a crash and the zopier application quits. the caller later tells me that it sounds like the call was accepted.
Zoiper :
Telefon Version: Zoiper5 5.4.12 for Linux 64bit
Bibliothek Revision: v2.10.13.2-mod
Telefon Revision: 5.4.12-mod
Benutzeroberfläche Revision: 1.2.29
1614863293] (../Dependencies/XService/Contact/All/Local.cpp :363) Query complete
[1614863293] (../HistoryFilter.cpp :360) History filter (Za540293afb90eee5c5297dfd) finished (limit = 20; groupMode = 2; count = 20
[1614863293] (../HistoryFilter.cpp :363) History filter (Za540293afb90eee5c5297dfd) elapsed time = 49ms
[1614863293] (../HistoryFilter.cpp :360) History filter (Zda89cdc77f82f7dc28d3e141) finished (limit = 20; groupMode = 2; count = 20
[1614863293] (../HistoryFilter.cpp :363) History filter (Zda89cdc77f82f7dc28d3e141) elapsed time = 113ms
[1614863293] (../HistoryFilter.cpp :360) History filter (Z14bb6e6b62611589e902f4c2) finished (limit = 20; groupMode = 2; count = 0
[1614863293] (../HistoryFilter.cpp :363) History filter (Z14bb6e6b62611589e902f4c2) elapsed time = 191ms
[1614863293] (../Contacts.cpp :509) CONTACTS : Filter completed; Service name = Zoiper5 Contact Service; Total contact count = 9
[1614863299] (../Zoiper_GTK.cpp :532) Window got focus in event
[1614863299] (../Zoiper_GTK.cpp :547) win_activated
[1614863299] (../Zoiper_GTK.cpp :532) Window got focus in event
[1614863299] (../Zoiper_GTK.cpp :547) win_activated
Stop 0x7f3e14054d10
Thread joined 0x7f3e14054d10
Set encoder: 6, G.711 a-law
Using encoder G.711 a-law, id 6, schedule 20ms, raw 320
Unhold 0x7f3e14054d10
Not started
StartInputProcess: starting after 0ms, absolute time: 1614863300481
Start 0x7f3e14054d10
StartInputProcess: starting after 0ms, absolute time: 1614863300481
[1614863300] (../HistoryService.cpp :265) History add call elapsed time = 10ms
[1614863300] (../Call.cpp :1405) OnCallAccepted called with codec : 6
[1614863300] (../HistoryService.cpp :265) History add call elapsed time = 13ms
[1614863300] (../Phone.cpp :643) Setting external devices state to OFF hook
[1614863300] (../Phone.cpp :511) UpdateSound: Active call: 60213744; Ringing calls count: 0; Ring when talking (bool)true
[1614863300] (../Phone.cpp :530) Stopping sound on normal device.
[1614863301] (../CEF3Application.cpp :783) RenderProcessTerminated with status: 2