0 votes

I set the DSCP value to EF in my Windows Zoiper application but when I made a call within my network and ran wireshark, I don't see where the traffic is being tagged.  Is there any additional configuration in Windows that may need to be done to have this happen.

Note: I've checked QOS Traffic Prioritization on my NIC and it is enabled and Priority and VLAN is enabled on the NIC as well.

I can supply wireshark captures if that helps you to see.


in Windows by (120 points)

Which version of windows are you using and what version of Zoiper do you experience the issues with?

Windows 7 Professional 64-bit

Zoiper 3.9.32144 32bit
Library Revision: 32121

Thanks for your time

1 Answer

0 votes

Due to certain limitations it is no longer possible to achieve this on windows 7 from the
 application itself.

Please find guidelines to configure it on windows below:

by (23.9k points)
And in Windows 10?
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