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Having problems with bluetooth headset under Windows 10. It worked properly for a while with version 5.5.8 of zoiper. Suddenly it stopped working (it might have been after an update). As soon as the microphone is "enabled" (the "microphone is being used" icon appears in the tray area), whenever i call someone and he picks up, he can hear me speaking but i cannot hear anything (not the ringing of the phone and also not the voice of the other party). I upgraded to v5.6.4, nothing changed. The same headset works fine in the latest Skype though.

I have set up the "Belkin SoundForm Adapt Hands-Free AG audio" as the default Comms device, and in Zoiper, everything under Audio tab is set to "Default headset (Belkin SoundForm Adapt Hands-Free AG audio)", no luck though. I've also tried setting the "SoundForm Adapt Stereo" as the Output and Ringing devices, no luck again. When i press "Play" to test the sound, i only hear the "beep" indicating that the microphone is being "enabled", and not the test sound.

Any ideas?
in Windows by (220 points)

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