0 votes

Hi Guys, I'm new to voip and using the windows soft phone.

I can make phones calls, but can't receive any. When I dial my phone number it's just blank

I've setup my port forwarding as follows: http://i.imgur.com/4UWFLwS.png

Any help will be appreciated.


in Web (Safari, Chrome, IE, Firefox) by (120 points)


Could you please share more details?

Which is the exact Zoiper product that you are using?

You need the voip account registered with the voip server in order to receive calls with the softphone.

Please note that port filtering when using VoIP is not recommended.


When I try dial my number all I hear is 'The number you are trying to dial is not available right now'

Zoiper 3.9.32144 32bit

Account says Registered

Port Forwarding Settings:

Rule Application Name Public Start Port Public End port Private Start Port Private End port Local IP Address Protocol Delete
0 ZOIPER 5060 5060 5060 5060 TCP/UDP

You are forwarding 5060, but your Zoiper might be using "open random port above 32000" for SIP signaling. That option is in "Advanced"-"Network" tab. Also, try to unregister/register the account and call it immediately. What happens?

High so I've unselected "open random port above 32000" and I've un-registered and re-registered.

I haven't ran the audio wizard as I don't have mic, do you think it has anything todo with that?


Zoiper requires a microphone to run. If you plugin a microphone you will be able to use Zoiper.

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