I can receive call with my zoipper biz 3.932144 but when i try to emmit one i have the error
Certificate: Issuer unstrusted / not found/not valid/wrong purpose.
May you please help
It means there is an issue with the certificate on the sip server. You can ignore it in the Zoiper settings temporarily until the next start of Zoiper, but this is not very safe.
Thanks Joachim,
The error msg is then not visible but i am still not able to emit call...
What happens when you call ? What new error do you get ?
I think you might need to contact whoever is in charge of the PBX.
Nothing happens, no error / no message, zoiper returns to waiting state like before entering the number.
I have no issues with zoiper android or jitsi i can emit calls with the same SIP account.
Any clue?
As a BIZ user you are entitled to premium support. I have opened a ticket in our RT system for this case.
Thanks Katina