Hi there
I'm a Zoiper Biz user. Since I have zoiper I get headaches getting things to work. Zoiper support gives me answers like "it's not zoiper, its your Voip provider". I noticed similar issues to on the forum.
This is my biggest issue at this point: There is no audio with outgoing calls. The audio is fine on incomming calls by the way.
It did work at first (after many settings), but then all of a sudden it stopped working. But the odd thing is it stopped working on two laptops.
I've sent Zoiper support a debug log and they say:
"What you describe indicates a change in your local network. Please check with your network administrator what was changed." They also adviced to play with the STUN settings. I also did this.
Since I am the network admin and no changes have been made here, this is realy strange. Now what's even stranger: I installed "x Lite" and there are NO problems. It works out of the box on both laptops.
So this rules out any network related issues in our local network. It also rules out any issue with my Voip provider.
So please take this ZOIPER issue serious and accept there are (perhaps compatibility) issues with this Zoiper version (windows 10).
Or please give my money back and I'll search for another solution.
Thanks in advance.