0 votes


When I am calling or when I receive other people's call, they always said my voice is very low; I have checked on the settings. If you can help, what should I do to fix this.

Thanks a lot.

in iOS by (120 points)
edited by


Could you please share the following information:
Which zoiper product are you using?
Is it classic or zoiper 3?
Is it a biz version or a free version?
Do you use it with s standard jack connector headset. or with a USB headset?

Sure, my response below:

Which zoiper product are you using? 

=> Zoiper iphone edition 3.5.3
Is it classic or zoiper 3? 

=> it is for iphone 6

Is it a biz version or a free version? 
Do you use it with s standard jack connector headset. or with a USB headset?

=> pro + all paid features, iphone headset

1 Answer

0 votes

Hello, please increase your volume while in Zoiper application. Volume controls on iOS are per application.

by (4.0k points)

Hi Anton, thanks, it seems that the speakers do not work as well, we have uninstall the app and re-installed it but the issue remains. If there is anything you can help. Thanks.

As far as I know the volume can be affected by the iPhone volume controls, but you need to be in Zoiper or in call with Zoiper. Other option is codecs, but it less likely.

Hello Anton,

Would it be possible to have a phone number with which we can call you or another person to assist directly because this seems pretty difficult here and the issue still remain?

Thanks a lot.


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