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I had zoiper for android version 35079, producent LGE , type Ige, it is logging off itself and won't reconnect with wi-fi , wi-fi is provided by Comcast. Also, won't reconnect automatically to Verizon network when out of range of my home wi-fi. My smart phone is LG V-10. I'm elderly person and not so good with smart phones and computers. Can anyone help please?

in Android by (120 points)

1 Answer

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When using Zoiper behind a NAT router you could experience a NAT timeout.
Try reducing the RE-REGISTRATION time for the affected account.

Run Zoiper for Android, go to Config, then open Accounts -. select your the affected account and scroll down to Network Settings.
If using UDP transport type, set the re-registration time to 30s. In case you are using TCP transport type for your account, set the re-registration time to 600s.

by (23.9k points)
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