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I have been trying to use Zoiper being a user of Ufone Cellular network in Pakistan however, I could not found the way to register for an account.

Please assist me in this regard

in Android by (120 points)

1 Answer

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Please run Zoiper on Android, then go to configuration -> Accounts.
click on "Add account" to configure a new account.
You will see a popup asking if you have an account.
If you do not have a VoIP account you can click No and you will be redirected to a list of reputable VoIp providers.
if you have a Voip account, click YES.
Then you will be asked if you would like to select the provider from a list, or you would like to configure it manually.
We are constantly updating our list of voip providers, however some providers are still not listed.
If you do not find your provider in the list, please select 'Manual Configuration'.
*Please select 'Manual Configuration' in case you do experience any issues while configuring your account.
Then you will need to  select the type of account  that you need then  fill in all the required fields a account name, hostname, username and password.
You should have received your account details from your VoIP provider.
If using a SIP account you might want to turn  on or off STUN and/or Rport.
If using a SIP account please try using TCP transport for your account. To change the transport type please go to Config -> Connectivity and enable  "keepalive Wi-Fi  and stay awake". Then go back, open Advanced  and enable Run in background.
Then go to Config -> Accounts -> select your account and then scroll down to "Network settings"
Then select Transport type. Select TCP if it is supported by your VoIp provider.

by (23.9k points)
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