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We do not want to push more and then push video to see a video caller.

We would like Zoiper to answer the call and show who it is automatically.

We have a sip door intercom that when pushed it sends video of caller.

Please fix.  Need setting like "automatically accept video if sent"

Great android app except for that problem.  Other apps do it automatically.

closed with the note: RT
in Android by (120 points)
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It seems you forgot to mention which Zoiper product you are using.

I am using the latest version of the Zoiper android program on an android phone.

It's an old post, but I can't believe this is still an issue in Zoiper (on Android) as of today. Just paid to enable the H264 codec, but I still need to manually enable "video" on each received call to display the other parties video stream.

I do get it that Zoiper does not /send/ video data without the user actively enabling that. But if video is offered, it should be automatically displayed. My use case is the same: SIP doorphones.

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