0 votes


I already tried with that tutorial but not success: 
I have info 
SIP Phone Number: xxxx
SIP Proxy: yyyy
Email: zzzz
Password: fffff

Calls will come from voiper.ipkall.com.
So what’s any field i will put on there for correct:

User / User@host:  …………………………….
Password:  ……………………………..
Domain / Outbound Proxy: …………………………..

Thanks for in advance.
closed with the note: RT 158004
in Mac by (150 points)
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1 Answer

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User / User@host:  here you need to put the number
Password:  here you need to put the password
Domain / Outbound Proxy:  here you need to put the sip proxy

It is possible that you need to enter an authentication username which might be different. Please contact your provder to obtain it.
Please note this is a public form and it is not safe to share your usernames/ passwords
by (23.9k points)
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