+2 votes

I was testing Zoiper softphone on Linux and Android with Asterisk on the backend. I wanted to know if Zoiper softphone has the ability to accept paging and intercom calls. I was not able to get it to work in the free version. Every time I paged all extensions or tried intercom on one extension the softphone would just ring like a normal call, it didn't seem to auto answer as an open call.


in Linux by (140 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote


Auto answer is a BIZ feature, not enabled in Zoiper FREE.

by (23.9k points)

Is that called Zoiper Classic?


All Zoiper products have a Biz and a Free version.

Zoiper Classic is an older product that is more VoIP oriented - it supports auto answer, forwarding, voice calls, recording, etc.

Zoiper 3 supports video, chat and presence, XMPP and call recording on demand.

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