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I posed a follow-up question on here in response to the developer's response to the question I'd originally posed on Zoiper's Google Play ratings last week. 

The answer in the link I got back on here turns out to be hidden so I can't read it.   How can we now move forward on this issue?  

-------- REPLY RECEIVED --------
Subject: Your ZoiPer Community Support question was answered
Date: Mon, 15 Feb 2016 11:17:04 +0100
From: ZoiPer Community Support <no-reply@zoiper.com>
To: Sleepy John

Sleepy John,

Your question on ZoiPer Community Support has been answered by Katina.

Your question was:

Registration fail issue

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Thank you,

ZoiPer Community Support

in Android by (140 points)

1 Answer

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Please try the latest zoiper beta: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.zoiper.android.zoiperbeta.app

We believe this is fixed in this build, if it is confirmed to be fixed we will release it as stable.

It is some sort of race condition like situation that happens on some phones in some circumstances. (We have a really hard time reproducing this)

by (11.5k points)
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