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I have just set up my SIP account and tried making a test call, they can hear me but i am unable to hear them.

I checked the settings and both the microphone and speakers are working. 

I am on the newest version of the software no update available.

How can i fix this issue?

in Mac by (120 points)
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1 Answer

0 votes


Try disabling STUN for the affected account .

Open the Settings menu, select Preferences and then open the Account section. After that go to "Advanced" section. Now go to the SIP account that you are experiencing the issues with and disable all settings that are not explicitly required by your VoIP provider such as:

Subscribe Presence,
Publish presence,
Send KPML,
Use Rport,
Use Rport media,
Force RFC-3264

Then use the drop-down menus and set STUN to Do Not use STUN and Subscribe for MWI to Disabled.

by (18.4k points)
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