0 votes

hi there,

zoiper is working nearly perfect.

But the people that I call complain about the volume of my voice.

I can hear them perfectly.

What can I do?


in iOS by (250 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
Best answer


Try to use different combinations of the settings in the Audio sections from Zoiper's Settings menu.

by (18.4k points)
selected by
+3 votes

I had this same problem. So I tried Ivan's suggestion to "use different combinations of the settings in the Audio sections from Zoiper's Settings menu."

For me, these audio settings seem to work:

  • Echo cancellation: Hardware
  • Automatic Gain Control: OFF
  • Noise suppression software: ON

Turning off the gain control made the biggest difference.

For quickly testing different settings, I used my voip provider's test number to say a few words and hear them played back to me.
by (200 points)

Exactly the same here. Above answer did the fix.

This worked for me too

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