+4 votes


I have added an "Internet Call" value to certain contacts containing the SIP URI (user@domain) of other contacts on my service.

However, in Zoiper's contact list it only shows the contact's numbers and not the Internet Call value and so I am unable to make a SIP call from the contacts list in Zoiper.

Entering the same value manually into the Zoiper dialer works OK to start a call.

How does Zoiper recognise SIP URIs in contacts?

This is on Nexus 5 (Android 6.0.1) and Nexus 7 (also Android 6.0.1) with Zoiper 1.33 for Android

in Android by (210 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
Best answer

Hey there, you cannot make the "internet call" visible in Zoiper at this point. We are planning to rework contacts in Zoiper and will see if it is possible to show all callable entries.

by (4.0k points)
selected by

This is a MUST HAVE feature

0 votes

Good catch.

This needs swift correction by Zoiper

by (640 points)
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