0 votes


I have enable "Dialer Integration" and "Use default account for every call".

I have enable in connectivity only wifi network (disable 2G, 3G and 4G).

When i am connected on network "wifi 1", my smartphone is connected on my IPBX and i can make calls.

When i disable wifi, call works on GSM network.

But when i am connected on a other wifi network and is not possible to join ipbx, i cannot make call.

It is possible to add a automatically switching to GSM network when smartphone is not registred on ipbx ?

Thanks for your help

in Android by (190 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote

I will pass on your feature request to the development team!

by (11.5k points)

hello, have you some news about this ?

It is on the todo list, but i cannot provide you with an ETA.

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