0 votes


I can't find anything on this site other than a link for Zoiper 2 which seems very low spec. Maybe its remained the same but I'd like a definite answer.


Processor: minimum Pentium  II 300
Memory: minimum 256 MB RAM
Operating systems: Windows® 2000, XP and later
Sound card: 16 bit sound card (SoundBlaster or equivalent)

I'd appreciate some help on this



in Windows by (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes


The minimum system requirements for Zoiper 3 are:

• Processor: Pentium III 1 GHz
• Memory: 512 MB RAM for Windows® 2000 and XP, 2 GB for Vista/7
• Operating systems: Windows® 2000, XP and later; Mac OS; Linux
• Sound card: 16 bit sound card (SoundBlaster or equivalent)
• Internet connection: wired or wireless broadband

by (18.4k points)
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