0 votes

I must have missed a configuration somewhere, but can't figure this out. I'm a sip newby.

I added Zopier to my iPad, and registered my sip2sip.info account. No problem. 

I can make calls to other sip2sip.info addresses by typing in their username.  But, every other call I try to make returns a 404. 

When I look in the history, the outbound dialing is adding sip2sip.info to every number I try to call. For example, if I dial a phone number, it turns it into 5551231234@sip2sip.info  and fully qualified sip addresses like example@sip.linphone.org also immediately return a User Not Found (404).

What have I missed?

in iOS by (130 points)

1 Answer

0 votes


Please check with your VoIP provider whether they require some specific prefix to dial numbers which are not a part of the provider's network.

by (18.4k points)
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