0 votes

Win 7 PC - Zoiper with SIPGate UK - Great!! 

Android Samsung GT-19505 ZOIPER 1.35 SIPGate UK - Registers, ready but calls not coming through and no ring!

Android Samsung G-900F ZOIPER 1.35 SIPGate UK - Registers, ready but calls not coming through and no ring!

SWitch off / on, checked install, credentials, etc... , etc. 


Cheers John

in Android by (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

Same issue here, but Android 6, on an LG G3.

Using the pre-configured SIPGate install, registers fine, and I can make calls to the SIPGate voicemail service and their test numbers.

Sipgate's web site also successfully lists the phone as registered with the correct port number.

However even when running on wifi at home (so I know it's not the mobile network blocking SIP packets) I'm not receiving any calls on the Android phone, when my other PCs on the same network do receive calls.

by (180 points)
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