0 votes


I have two issues I need to resolve to fix a problem using Zoiper with an existing application. I need to change the Presence options to match the existing scheme, which tests for strings on the server. Second, is it possible to modify the presence in a Zoiper phone programatically, either from a message sent from the SIP server (in this case, Freeswitch) or by calling the API.

Thank you

PS: The search functionality in this forum is terrible. I really enjoy the Zoiper product, but the Zoiper folks really need to fix the search here, it is less than useless.

in Windows by (130 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote


Can you explain the first question a bit more ? I have no idea what you mean with it.

You should be able to change the presence through the COM API (zoiper biz only), but the api will change when our new product comes out, so i would suggest to maybe wait a bit for it to be released not to have to do the work twice. (The new api uses websockets and will be cross platform).

I will pass on the search issue to the web team, thanks.

by (11.5k points)

In the Zopier interface I have a set of options that I can set for my presence. Online, Away, Invisible, etc. I would like to limit these options for my users by removing some and/or adding others.

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