+1 vote

HI bought the premium pack, downloaded and i can not open the app on my iphone 5s. IOS IS Updated to 8.4, the app frozes and i can not open it. 

in Android by (130 points)

3 Answers

0 votes

Please contact us on support@zoiper.com so that my colleagues can troubleshoot the issue.

by (11.5k points)
0 votes

I believe we have identified the issue. Somebody sent us the dump file (maybe you?) and it seems the hostname is not resolved on time and iOS kills the application because it gets impatient.

We are working on a solution, if you provide us with your udid on support@zoiper.com we can add you as beta tester as soon as we have a fix. (The review procedure for Apple is rather slow, so the official update might take several weeks before it becomes available).

by (11.5k points)

I do not understand what do i have to provide you...


Please follow this tutorial:


It's a unique code for the phone

Thank you!

0 votes

We have a fix for the issue, available as beta. Whoever is experiencing this issue, please contact us on support@zoiper.com for access to the beta for iOS.

by (11.5k points)
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