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Is anyone using vbuzzer abount with this app?

I cannot figure out how to setup this app to be working with vbuzzer.

Thank you for your help

in iOS by (140 points)

1 Answer

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Regarding setting up your account into Zoiper for iOS, follow these steps:
1) Start Zoiper and go to its "Settings" tab.
2) Open the "Accounts" section and select the "+" button into the upper right corner.
3) Select whether you you already have an account or not;
4) Select whether you will manually configure your account or you will select your provider from the list;
5) Choose the type of the account - SIP or IAX.
6) In case you are configuring your account manually, enter the information you receive from your VoIP provider about Domain, Username, Password, etc. into the appropriate fields and select the "Register" button.

by (18.4k points)

Thank you for your answer. 

I added my account manually and is registered now. But when I try to place the call I am receiving: "error myself (503)"

Any idea what needs to be change?

SIP error 503 is shown when the server was unable to process the request due to overloading or maintenance. Refer to your VoIP provider for more details.

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