0 votes

Hi team - My zoiper android registers successfully and is able to make calls BUT either end are unable to hear each other.Also the call connecting tone does not come even if it rings the far end node.Its on android 526g+ phone.Kindly advise.

in Android by (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes


If you are using your Wifi for making calls try to search for SIP ALG feature under your router settings.

If you have that feature on your router please disable it, reboot router and check again.



by (200 points)

Thanks Peter. I did see your reply earlier and tried disabling/enabling SIP ALG as well as changing ports to TCP and the STUN server. Still no luck.The phone still registers but have no audio in the calls.

Please note that I had rebooted the router and connected my vpn again.

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