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Hello,  I've just recently installed ZoiPer on my Note 3 and it looks quite feature rich.  I had no problem configuring my sip provider and making calls but one thing concerns me.   The call quality seems very low when compared side by side to an X-lite client on my PC on the same network. 

My phone is set to use wifi only and there are no congestion or firewall issues (confirmed).  Calls made are only connecting with uLaw 8kHz and sound frankly a bit average, trying all the other included codecs results in a network busy and won't work.  I don't mind paying for g729 codec, but will this resolve the issue given my X-Lite client doesn't have g729 either but establishes a very clear call every time?


in Android by (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

Is your PC also using the same wireless? Are you using the same audio hardware on the PC as with your phone? Other things like audio hardware, wireless vs. wired, jitter buffers (present or not) and even cpu lagging could cause audio to suffer quality. What kind of audio quality issue are you having? Your provider must support the codec you want to use as well. uLaw 8kHz is definitely average, it is a big telephone standard. :) Can you limit the codecs with x-lite to only uLaw 8kHz and compare?

by (190 points)
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