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Sin Aparece la Opción de Transferir Llamada

in Android by (120 points)

1 Answer

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The Call transfer is available with the Gold version of Zoiper for Android. In order to make a transfer ones you already have it do the following:
- Make a call.
- Click the "+" button from the active call screen and you will be able to add a second call.
- Enter the number you would like to transfer the call to.
- If you press the "-->" button the call will be transferred directly to that second number. This is unattended transfer.
- If you click the "+" button again you will put the first call on hold and will dial the second number. You will be able to speak to the second person. Then press the "-->" button. The call that is on hold will be transferred to the active one. This is attended transfer.

by (18.4k points)
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