+1 vote

I have zoiper for android configured with tls and srtp, if I make an outbound call to my windows 10 laptop also running zoiper without tls+srtp via our freeswitch server I get a connection and can talk ok. If i try  back call from my laptop(tls+srtp disabled) to android phone(tls+srtp enabled), the call terminates on the android phone due to srtp failure.

If i turn off strp on the android phone then i can receive calls ok. Are there any settings i have missed to enable srtp on inbound calls.


in Android by (130 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

I confirm this, I had same bug with Asterisk 13.14.0 at FreePBX 10.13.66-19 and ZoiPer.

My current TLS+SRTP configuration are working fine at another soft VoIP client CSipSimple.

by (150 points)
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