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I have been having  this  problem for the past two days,  when I try to initiate a call with Zoiper, I immediately get "603 Declined" error.  If I used the desktop I get the same error. I have followed
everything including adding the country code before initiating a call and the problem still persists. Do  u have any ideas on how I can resolve this?

in Android by (120 points)

I am using Zoiper 3.9 for Windows 32bit. I have never changed networks before and hence no changes. It only worked for one day and I could not use it thereafter!!

I am registered with  SIP server/provider ok and I cant get incoming calls either!!

Dear Support,

I am using Zoiper on Phone and the service provider is Ucall We connect. I don't have any other provider apart from that and it was working well with Zoiper but things changed and I can't tell why things changed. I have enough credit but can't make or receive any call!!

1 Answer

0 votes


SIP 603 error is usually returned as a response when the called party was successfully contact, but cannot or does not wish to participated. This error message is sent from your VoIP service provider and Zoiper is just displaying it.

This could also mean that your account does not have enough balance to make the call.

You need to contact your VoIP service provider for additional information regarding this error.

by (34.3k points)
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