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I'm running Ubuntu 15.04 and using Zoiper Free. I'm planing to buy some ZioPer Business Licenses, but need to make sure that the requested feature is given.

I want to make automated calls from an external Program, or via script. The external Program (e.g. Thunderbird) could call ZoiPer either by running a cli command including the number or by calling a "protocol". 

What would be the best approach, and is the ZoiPer protocol asscoiation working on Linux?

in Linux by (150 points)

1 Answer

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Best answer


Zoiper for Linux does not support CLI or protocol association. The protocol association is available with the Windows version of Zoiper 3 Biz, which supports callto, tel and zoiper protocols with the following syntax:


Zoiper 3 also support the following command line parameters:

Show Zoiper windows if hidden or minimized:


Hang an active call(Biz only):


Call a number:

call=[ phone number ]
dial=[ phone number ]
dial_string=[ phone number ]

Search for a contact(Biz only):

find=[ filter ]

Send fax to number(Biz Only):

fax= [ number ]
fax_file=[ number ]

These 2 load an account configuration file.

add_account_file=[ path to file ]
add_account_url=[ url ]

Some of them might actually work on some Linux distributions.

by (18.4k points)
selected by

Hi Ivan,

thank you for your answer.

I'm able to configure a protocol association on my system manually, but I' m nor sure how the application I'm calling(Zoiper) is handling that request.

Will this work on Biz only? If yes, would it be possible to get a test version to make sure it works before I buy the license?

Best Alex

Hello Alex,

Yes these features are available with the Biz version of Zoiper only. For more information about the license, please contact contact us on sales@zoiper.com .

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