0 votes

What exactly a zoiper all about? I know only a small information about the Zoiper. With Zoiper, we can make calls in android devices. Can somebody please explain it?

in General by (120 points)
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2 Answers

0 votes

ZoiPer is a software phone (softphone), that lets you make chat, voice, video calls etc. To use ZoiPer you would need:
- a computer or a smartphone;
- an internet connection;
- a VoIP (Voice over IP) account, which you may acquire from any VoIP provider.

You could review some reputable VoIP service providers here:


by (540 points)
0 votes

Zoiper is a software programs for making telephone calls over the internet. using a computer. Zoiper is an example of new techno logic invention and there are so many benefits with it. The thesis work presented by thesis writing service reviews described it in detail. 

by (140 points)
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