+1 vote


I need to buy a mobile phone to be used with the ZoiPer application for both making and receiving calls. I have the option of the Samsung Galaxy Core II. is this phone compatible with ZoiPer? Am I going to be able to use the ZoiPer applicacion on this phone?.

Please let me know this or maybe if you can give me some options of low cost mobile phones I can buy that hold the application appropiately.

Many Many thanks 

Best regards

in Android by (130 points)

1 Answer

+2 votes

Pretty much all phones are supported by zoiper. This samsung should work fine too, i'm not aware of any issues with it. (We do no thave every phone in our lab though so i cannot guarantee it, but we do have a lot of users and i haven't heard about any troubles).

Audio latency varies with different android phones, you can test the audio latency with this tool:


by (11.5k points)

The 2 phones you need to stay away from are:

- Alcatel one touch series (maybe new versions are better, but up until a year ago they were very unstable)

- HTC one m8.


it seems i have an issue with my Sony Xperia Z3 compact (see thread). I assume, that this issue does not only affect my Xperia Z3 phone. Could you verify (if you have sony device in you lab) that this issue affects the Xperia Z3 devices?

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