Zoiper Version 3.11 for iPhone. Iib Revision: v.2.8.21-IPv6
The Zoiper interface is pretty intuitive and easy to navigate. I found on my IPhone 6 Zoiper App, that I can add G.729 CODEC by purchasing. Which I have done and indicates "PAID" where before it had the price.
Now, I'm using CallCentric which states they utilize G.711u and G.711a as well as G.729.
Under Accounts, once created, I go to Audio CODEC and CANNOT Toggle OFF G711 or Toggle ON, G.729. Or any of the CODECS listed, for that matter. They seem to be locked in place. I can make calls inbound and outbound just fine with G.711u as this is the CODEC that was negotiated.
I tried to uninstall the Zoiper and re-install. I then re-applied the paid G.729 license. I also made sure Backups is DISABLED for the Zoiper App.
Same problem. Thanks.