0 votes

I read elsewhere that your beta version would support use of Google Contacts data. A couple of other threads here have also promised it, about a year ago.

I was granted access and installed ZoiperH5 5.1.2 for Windows 32bit Beta27 but I do not see anything in the settings for Google Contacts, so I'm wondering where this feature is and how to access it.

in Windows by (190 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote

Contacts > Add Source > then from the drop down "Add Contact source" list you should see Google. Follow instructions from there.

by (250 points)

Thanks! Although I saw this earlier, the "Add Contact source" button did not function.

It began to function when I looked again, in Beta 27, but did not open the Google config dialog.

I installed Beta 28 and was able to complete the dialog and authorization.

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