0 votes

I am trying to register the software.

Also, can I use Callcentric as a VoIP provider?



in General by (120 points)

Can you be more specific what you are trying to register? Are you trying to register your VoIP account with your provider's server or are you trying to activate a Biz license of Zoiper for desktop?


I am trying to register my VoIP account but I am not sure if the  "domain" refers to my  provider's server as telus or callcentric or something else. Your assistance would be most appreciated. Thanks.

1 Answer

0 votes

The Domain/Host field in Zoiper always needs  the IP or the domain name of the VoIP provider's server. Usually the provider will provide you with details for your VoIP account and Proxy/Host/Domain, something looking like:

your username - my_username

your password - my_password

proxy / host / domain / registrar - sip.something.com or something.com- this goes to Zoiper's Host/Domain field.

Sometimes you might also see "Outbound proxy" provided along with the details above, which goes to Zoiper's "Outbound proxy".

by (4.0k points)
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