0 votes

I have a Samsung (SM-T231) and need the setting to set-up Zoiper. MWeb is my VOiP service provider..

in Android by (160 points)

Please ask your provider for the required settings.

2 Answers

0 votes

I have similar question. My provider (Voipo)  is not on the list. I tried to set up the account manually which requires info about




if I choose SIP type





if I go with IAX type.

My provider only gives me

cloudid and password

as well as


Please help.

by (140 points)
0 votes


Select SIP in zoiper. (most providers support SIP).

domain, server, hostname all mean the same thing, so use the hostname as "domain" in zoiper.

Please tell your voip provider to contact us so that we can get them listed in the preconfigured providers list.

by (11.5k points)

Thank you very much for your help! Will ask my provider to do so.

I am using Voipo as well.

What does work for Voipo. I have mentioned communicating with Voiper, but I need help now.



Zoiper will work with any PBX server that is compatible with the SIP or IAX protocol.
In order to connect to your telephone system, you will need to know these settings:
Account type - it can be SIP or IAX
Hostname - It may look like sip.example.com or an ip address.    
It is often named domain or registrar.
The default SIP port is 5060. In case your SIP account needs to be configured with a different port than 5060, you will need to add it at the end of the hostname, separated with : like this:

Username – this is the username for your account.    
Password – this is the password for your account.
Depending on the type of PBX, you may need to use an outbound proxy. In this case your provider should have sent you this information as well.

If you do not know all the details for your account, request them from your VoIP provider.
Follow these steps to create your new account:
Start Zoiper for Android, click "Config", select "Accounts" and then "Add account”.

When you see the question "Do you already have an account?" select "Yes".
Click "Manual Configuration”.

If you do not know the type of your account, select SIP.

First you need to enter a name for your new account in the "Account name" field. Enter any name that will help you to recognize the account .

Then fill in the account details in the appropriate fields.

Click "Save". Now you will see a list with all your accounts, including the one you just created.
In about 30 seconds a green checkbox will appear in front of the account name.

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