+3 votes

You have been promising Hotkeys for Zoiper desktop for  YEARS!!! Where is it???

Let's get a push on for this.  

Why would I buy Zoiper without Hotkeys if I can buy Ninja Pro and other softphones which have Hotkeys?

I like Zoiper.  But, I use it constantly every day and it is very cumbersome without the Hotkeys.  I would pay for them.

Let's move this Hotkeys feature to the front of the development line!   Please!

Are we any closer yet?

in Windows by (510 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

If you are on Windows you could use Autohotkey, I stumbled over this software and did some zoipering, Hotkeys work even if Zoiper is not active (though it has to be startet). I would appreciate any suggestions or support.

I added the following Hotkeys for the Numpad

Ctrl + Enter = pickup

Ctrl + 0 = hangup

Ctrl + [1-9] = transfer to (*3[1-9]#)

Ctrl + , = take back transfer

Alt + [1-9] = direct call [1-9]

Ctrl + - = strip and call highlighted number

Alt + 0 = show functions


Edit: missed the Link:


I work with the Zoiper Phone Interface 2, as the pressing of buttons is based on the position there needs to be other "coordinates" for other styles.

by (290 points)
edited by

Can you send me what your autohotkey file contains?

The content of the file is at:


If you need any help feel free to contact me.

I am using Zoiper 5.  I would like help programming a AutoHotKey script for this version.  

I want to: answer, hangup, transfer, and attended transfer, and record/stop record

Sorry for the late reply. We are partly still sticking to the old Zoiper version and hesitating to upgrade. The reason is the "flexible" design of Zoiper5 which makes using Autohotkey a little more complicated yet not impossible. Just started to seriously work with it, so if you are still interested we could stay in touch. Just received the newsletter which led me to the command line options. At least everything but answering seems to be easy that way. I will start a thread to ask for the answer / pick-up function which I doubt will be command lineable.


We have raised a bit the priority of the hotkeys, so they might appear soon for Zoiper5. Unfortunately I cannot tell exactly when. 

dear oberon,

could you maybe help me with the scripting? we are using zoiper5 at the office to give support so it would be nice if we could use a script for hotkeys. i tried using the script you posted here and everything seems to be okay but then when there is an incomming call it doesnt work. could you maybe help?

kind regards,

edit after restarting the computer, for some reason the alt + 0 key does show all the options. but i cannot accept calls. should i be running this in admin mode?

Took me a bit of investigation, looks like Zoiper5 does not accept the ControlClick, something I stumbled over and resigned before, you made me reconsider it and it looks like the following works.

Please be aware that there still might be quite a lot of inconsistence because of the dynamic gui of Zoiper5. I would appreciate it if we could stay in touch to improve the whole stuff.

#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
DetectHiddenWindows, on

global ZoiperOK1x := 200
global ZoiperOK1y := 145
global ZoiperESC1x := 230
global ZoiperESC1y := 140

;Zoiper5 end call 1
id := WinExist("Zoiper5")
WinActivate, ahk_id %id%
MouseClick, left, %ZoiperESC1x%, %ZoiperESC1y%

;Zoiper pickup call 1
id := WinExist("Zoiper5")
WinActivate, ahk_id %id%
MouseClick, left, %ZoiperOK1x%, %ZoiperOK1y%



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