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I have Zoiper installed and it works perfectly with Wazo PBX. I also have a desktop phone-Grandstream GXP2140. 2 lines are able to use the phone/zoiper. Although inbound/outbound calls work fine using either option, I have one issue that is kind of annoying and I'm trying to figure out how to fix it.

If I register a number with Zoiper, log out/exit the program, I can still make outbound calls using my Grandstream, but inbound calls go right to voicemail. In order for the desktop phone to ring I have to reboot the phone. This doesn't make sense. I'm not sure if it's an issue with the phone or if I it's an issue with zoiper.

Does anybody have insight into what might be causing this issue and how to fix it?


in General by (120 points)

If the same SIP/IAX2 account is registered on all devices, this is completely normal. When you exit from Zoiper it will send "Unregister" request to the server and the server will know that you are offline, thus sending your call to the voicemail. 

Some servers however, allow dialling without active registration, thus you can dial from your Grandstream. 

Make sure that every device is registered on different extension. Or your server is smart enough and can handle multiple devices from single extension properly.

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