You may create custom button to answer calls. Afterwards using some Javascript you can make this button to work with certain key combination from the keyboard.
To make the button to answer calls, you would have to use the Accept method of the "Call" class from Zoiper WEB API documentation. You can obtain a "Call" object instance from the OnZoiperCallIncoming callback function.
A very simple example is sited below. Keep in mind that you will need to handle more than one incoming call at a given time, except in the cases where you are sure that there will be no more than one incoming call.
var IncomingCall;
if (IncomingCall != null)
IncomingCall = null;
function OnZoiperCallIncoming(call)
IncomingCall = call;
Here is also a simple example on how to create the button on your webpage.
<a href= # onclick= namefunction() > Click Accept Call</a>