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Hi, I bought the g729 codec for my zoiper, I have an iax account set up on my samsung s8 model SM-G950FD, android version 7.0, version zoiper 1.53

when I call from an ip phone to my extension on my cell phone, I listen well on my cell phone but on the ip phone they do not listen to me, but when I do the opposite is to say I call from the extension on my cell phone to the ip works well.

I have tried with other versions of android and it works fine, hayq ue do some configuration to make it work well?


in Android by (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes


Yes, this is most likely because of a setting, please enable STUN of you didn't configure port forward.

Our STUN server is stun.zoiper.com, please use TCP if you can.

See : https://www.zoiper.com/en/support/answer/for/common/102/STUN

Best Regards,


by (3.9k points)
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