+1 vote
I am evaluating Zoiper H5 with Epygi QX50 IP-PBX.

Phone version: ZoiperH5 5.1.7 for Windows 32bit Beta32
Library revision: v2.8.51
Phone revision: 5.1.7_Beta32_Windows
UI revision: 1.0.8

I have the following issues that appear to be related:
  • Google contacts won't dial. Says "Number you have dialled is not in service"
  • Click2Dial won't dial. Says "Number you have dialled is not in service". Works fine with Zoiper Biz.
  • When dialling a local cell phone, H5 converts to international format. 0419 772 994 becomes 0061 419 772 994. Says "Number you have dialled is not in service"

Zoiper Biz does not have an issue
in Windows by (130 points)

By default Zoiper5 Beta comes with Number Rewriting enabled.

You can find this option under Zoiper -> Settings -> your account -> Advanced.

Try disabling the "Enable default country code and international prefix" or set it according to your needs. Probably a misconfiguration there is causing this issue.

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