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I have LDAP integration working, but sometimes the search stops functioning. 

The list of all accounts from LDAP still shows under "Contacts", but when I type in the search box the are no longer filtered. 

Restarting Zoiper fixes the problem, but it comes back regularly. I'm currently unable to reproduce the problem at will. 

You are running:
Phone version: Zoiper5 5.2.10 for Windows 64bit
Library revision: v2.8.75
Phone revision: 5.2.10_Windows

UI revision: 1.1.19 

in Windows by (160 points)


How fast is your LDAP server?

Maybe you can enable debugging and it will show the reason in the debug log.

Maybe you can share the log with us?



I've got debugging switched on, but because it's an intermittent problem, by the time it occurs the log files are huge - too big to easily open. I've just cleared them out and will post the relevant log next time the problem recurs. 

The LDAP server is just a dedicated OpenLDAP server installed on a tiny EC2 instance as per https://www.zoiper.com/en/tutorials/ldap

When it's working, it works quickly. 

I've got a log file with the problem occurring. 

When the problem is happening, the LDAP Contact Service is not called at all:

DEBUG | 20171219-094346.591 | RESIP:DUM | 54240 | DialogUsageManager.cxx:2464 | Merged request removed

DEBUG | 20171219-094346.644 | Z:APP | 26704 | Contacts.cpp:278 | CONTACTS : Filter starting.

DEBUG | 20171219-094346.789 | Z:APP | 26704 | Contacts.cpp:367 | CONTACTS : Filter completed; Service name = Zoiper5 Contact Service; Total contact count = 89

DEBUG | 20171219-094348.168 | RESIP:TRANSACTION | 54240 | TuSelector.cxx:72 | Send to TU: TU: DialogUsageManager size=0 

When I've restarted Zoiper I can see entries like

DEBUG | 20171218-170909.572 | Z:APP | 26704 | Contacts.cpp:278 | CONTACTS : Filter starting.
DEBUG | 20171218-170909.656 | Z:APP | 26704 | Contacts.cpp:367 | CONTACTS : Filter completed; Service name = Zoiper5 Contact Service; Total contact count = 1
DEBUG | 20171218-170909.852 | Z:APP | 26704 | Contacts.cpp:367 | CONTACTS : Filter completed; Service name = LDAP Contact Service 1; Total contact count = 89
DEBUG | 20171218-170909.855 | Z:APP | 26704 | HistoryCountFilter.cpp:45 | Count filter (1154002049552) (*person's name redacted*) search started.
DEBUG | 20171218-170909.857 | Z:APP | 26704 | HistoryCountFilter.cpp:45 | Count filter (1154002052048) (*person's name redacted*) search started.
DEBUG | 20171218-170909.858 | RESIP:TRANSACTION | 54240 | TuSelector.cxx:72 | Send to TU: TU: DialogUsageManager size=0 

Roughly how many searches do you make before this issue appears ? Can you reproduce it constantly by doing something specific ?

If you can, please provide us with some steps to reproduce it in our  lab.

I'm pretty sure it's to do losing network connectivity.

1. Restart Zoiper: LDAP search works.

2: Turn off WiFi.  Zoiper says that it has detected a network change, applying configuration changes. 

3. Try an LDAP search whilst there's no network: No results 

4. Turn WiFi back on Zoiper says that it has detected a network change, applying configuration changes. 

5. Try another LDAP search. 

Expected outcome: The network changes applied when Zoiper detects a new network allow LDAP searches again. 

Actual Outcome: No LDAP search is executed, no results show. 

Can you reproduce the problem with these steps?

I will escalate this to our QA team for investigation. This might be an actual issue. 

Any news on this? Confirmed as a bug?

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