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I am working in VoIP provider and I am testing Zoiper 5 on GNU/Linux ( Ubuntu 16.04 LTS  ).

I have problems with audio only on one way.

When I inspect de packets involved in the call I can see that PBX and Softphone negociate ports but Zoiper send media packets from other port . If I don't mark the option "Open random port above 3200" in "Advanced/Network/RTP Options" the softphone uses allways port 8000, in otherwise over the 3200 port but allways diferent port that negociates the PBX ( asterisk 11 ) and Zoiper 5 ( both on the same LAN ) .

With older version 3.3.25608 we don't have any problem.



200 OK


Call flow sequence


IP Softphone :

If I activate the debug log option in Zoiper Softphone I can see the same.

$ tail -f ./.Zoiper5/logfile_2017-12-14_*| grep -e 'rtp_port_manager' -e 'm=audio'

DEBUG | 20171214-125942.428 | RESIP:APP | 140658601230848 | rtp_port_manager.cpp:78 | Available port: 55682
m=audio 36262 RTP/AVP 8 101
m=audio 36262 RTP/AVP 8 101
m=audio 36262 RTP/AVP 8 101
m=audio 36262 RTP/AVP 8 101
m=audio 12696 RTP/AVP 8 101
m=audio 12696 RTP/AVP 8 101
m=audio 12696 RTP/AVP 8 101
DEBUG | 20171214-125945.929 | RESIP:APP | 140658601230848 | rtp_port_manager.cpp:84 | Releasing port: 55682

The module rtp_port_manager.cpp choose a port to send media ( port 55682 ) , but in sip trafic I can watch that offers other ( port 36262 ) . Finally the Softphone uses port 55682 to send media and this media is descarted by my PBX .

in Linux by (190 points)

good to know

1 Answer

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The support of Zoiper had solve my problem using other way .

Disabling the "Open random port above 32000" for both SIP and RTP, and disabling STUN, "Rport" and "Rport Media" solves the problem with lan environment. Behind NAT with options "Use default STUN" and "Use rport" works OK. Thanks for the support .


by (190 points)
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