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hello people, I have the mac version of zoiper 5 installed today and unfortunately some problems. I can make outgoing calls without any problems, but unfortunately I do not receive any calls. The call arrives for a moment and immediately makes an error or a missed call. There is an error message: Unparsable SDP (code: 28).

I installed and tested the free version of X-Lite and it works fine.

What else can I try to make it work?

in Mac by (120 points)


This error usually means that the call comes with an unsupported codec. If you have edited your codec configuration and disabled some codecs, please go to Zoiper -> Settings -> Accounts -> your account -> Audio codecs and enable all codecs.

Hello, all of my codecs are available and turned on. That was one of the first things i did, after i got this error. I was hoping that you can get any more information out of the log files i send to you. Any further advices?

Have you opened a ticket ? Can you provide me with the ticket number ?

yes: #239249

I've checked the ticket and my colleague has replied to you.
It appears to be an issue with the media state of the INVITE, if you have not received his reply, please check your spam folder in your mailbox.

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