+1 vote

I have installed deb64 package on Ubuntu 16.04, the app works well, but I can't make it exit. The "X" button at the top of Zoiper window just minimizes it, right click on sidebar and choosing "exit" from the menu does the same. There is no exit option anywhere else in the app. The only way I was able to exit was to open the terminal and type "killlall zoiper", but it doesn't seem to be user friendly enough.

in Linux by (130 points)

1 Answer

+2 votes

Try disabling "Minimize on close" from Zoiper -> Settings -> Look and Feel

by (34.3k points)

Oh, well, now it asks with modal window if I wanna exit or just minimize. Makes me think about authors' logic when the window has at least two buttons for those functions, I mean close and minimize and they are more than enough. It's kind of overengineered without an obvious reason.

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