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I have had zoiper 2.2.47 v2.8.83-mod installed on my Android (Samsung S7 Edge) mobile phone for 4 days. In that time I have made 2 calls and received 1. I do NOT have call recording activated.

Today my phone notified that it was out of storage as apps began to shut down. I noticed that zoiper had a storage of 12.7 GB (yes GB) on my phone, but I have no idea what the app is storing or why it has filled so much storage.

Upon clearing the storage via Android Settings - App - Zoiper - Storage - Clear Data, my phone became stable again, but my entire zoiper account information was gone and needed to be reentered, which is annoying.

Any insights into how I can prevent this storage of data from occurring?

All the best


in Android by (120 points)

Zoiper should not eat so much storage unless you have enabled the call recording option or the debug-logger. Please check if for some reason you have not enabled the debug-logging.

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