0 votes
Hi folks, 

I purchased the new Zoiper5 application which worked beautifully with the exception of some minor frustrations like not being able to use the search for users, however a new update came out recently which I applied and suddenly I can barely complete a call or conference without the app crashing on me making it just about unusable at the moment. 

My version details are below. I cannot seem to find any log files? 

Phone version: Zoiper5 5.2.14 for Windows 64bit
Library revision: v2.8.88
Phone revision: 5.2.14_Windows
UI revision: 1.1.28
in Windows by (120 points)

1 Answer

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Please use the support contact form on our website and send us a ticket regarding this issue, so we can investigate it in details.

by (34.3k points)
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