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Can you change the user agent string?  If no, will developers add the ability too.

in Windows by (600 points)


Changing the user agent is not supported and adding an option to change it is not planned. Can you tell us why you need such functionality ?

Hi Tsetso,

Also not with whitelabel option?

Have a nice day!

Ciao Paul

One good reason to change the user agent, is that sometimes in a call center environment, the agent will sit at a different seat and will need to attach their personal extension (user/agent) to this Zoiper instance for tracking purposes.  

Hello Paul,

With whitelabel you can change the UA. But it is still hardcoded.

Probably a very customized solution can workaround this, but I cannot say for sure. 

As for the callcenter idea to track the users by their UA string, I believe it would be easier if you just use provisioning, or you can roam the windows user profiles using domain controller and just track their extensions. 


Thanks Tsetso!

Another workaround I did is with requesting an intranet URL via the event rules.

The webserver behind it registers my windows logon name.

But indeed provisioning is easier!

Thanks and enjoy the weekend!

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